Title V - Medical & Dental Services for Children and Adolescent
Medical- Services for Children and Adolescent (Birth - 21)
- Well-child checkups, physical examinations, and screening
- Immunizations
- Sick care
- Laboratory and diagnostic tests
- Education and counseling
- Case management as needed
Dental- Services for children and Adolescents (Birth to 21)
- Comprehensive and periodic oral evaluation
- Fluoride treatment
- Restorative treatment
- Sealant application
- Dental education and counseling
Must be:
- Texas resident
- Income at or below 185% FPL
- Not eligible for other healthcare programs
Documentation for Family composition (Any of the documents below is accepted)
- Birth certificate
- School records
- Baptismal certificate
- Proof of family relationship and a copy of lease
Documentation for Income (Any of the documents below is accepted)
- Copies of most recent paychecks
- Employer’s written verification of gross monthly income
- Child support statement
- Unemployment benefit statement
- Notes/receipts of cash income
Documentation for Family composition (Any of the documents below is accepted)
- Texas Driver license
- Voter registration
- Rent or utility bill
- Motor vehicle registration
- School records
- Medical cards or another benefit cards
- Property tax receipt